On Wednesday, April 3, Veranda Magazine co-hosted the Lenox Hill Neighborhood House annual Spring Gala themed "High Society" at Cipriani, New York City. Thirty tables, each decorated by a different renowned New York designer were featured at the event...and this year, I was one of them!

I themed my table "Meet the Strutters" in honor of our lovely table hosts for the evening, Penelope and Pierre Strutter. These two peacocks were artfully designed from orchids and feathers. We even found a tiny top hat at the toy store for Pierre and a beautiful silver necklace for Penelope.

Prior to the event, I spent some time hunting at one of my favorite fabric stores, Mood, and found this fabulous vintage tablecloth. I cut "pocket squares" of the same fabric to tuck inside the napkins.
I found these great feather wraps online to hang on the ladies chair backs. We added a bit of flair to a simple black top hat with art-deco vintage buttons (also found at MOOD!) and placed those on the men's chair backs.
So many of the tables that evening left me awe-struck and inspired. Oh my Vreeland! A tribute to Diana Vreeland by Andrea Stark and Lewis Miller Design. Seriously, ah-maze.
David Duncan Antiques table "Up, Up & Away" left me elated.
A wonderful tribute to the movie "High Society" was featured right next to our table.
I'm so in love with this one, I'm seeing double.
Some more of the beautiful designs from the evening, I wish I could have captured them all, but cocktails, dinner, dancing and a silent auction kept us busy!

Me with my dream team pictured below--except James Francois-Pijuan (not pictured), who worked his magic on the florals. Also, my dream necklace from the silent auction...I wonder who the lucky winner was?
To be in company with such esteemed designers was a a thrill--and, to help such a wonderful cause was an honor. The Lenox Hill Neighborhood House began as the Community's First Free Kindergarten and it continues to serve those in need who live, work or attend school on the East Side of Manhattan. The gala raised over $1.3 million dollars and received wonderful press and awareness.
Hats off (until next year...).
Check out some of the great press here:
My fun interview with Refinery 29: http://www.refinery29.com/lenox-hill-neighborhood-house-gala-pictures-tips/slideshow?page=4#slide-4