On March 21st, Saks Fifth Avenue at the Prudential Center in Boston hosted a 'hot pink party' to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I was lucky enough to fly up to the event with the Estee Lauder team and share in some of the love.
We started our day with a meeting at Winston Flowers (www.winstonflowers.com) followed by a traditional Boston stop at Legal Seafood with board members and BCRF leaders Lucretia Gilbert, Elisha Daniels, Kelley Doyle and Katherine Minster. After a late lunch and great conversation, it was time to put the finishing touches to Saks second floor of high fashion! Over 200 guests came out to support the cause and raise money for breast cancer research. BCRF president Myra Biblowit, fashionista Tonya Mezrich, Tiffany Ortiz, Elisha Daniels and my friend Erica Corsano of the RealReal were some of the noteworthy names in attendance that night.
And, oh what night it was! A tinted pink runway, sun-kissed makeovers, delicious pink hued cocktails, and an array of hors d'oeuvres that included oysters resting atop mini beds of ice and duck confit cakes. A Dee Jay, a photo booth and multiple personal shoppers added to the party atmosphere to help guests with their purchases.
Don't try to slow us down tonight, we are on Cartier time. |
The beautiful Elisha Daniels, author of "You Can Do This! Surviving Breast Cancer Without Losing Your Sanity or Your Style", Fashion Director at Nieman Marcus and all-around amazing lady!
A pink runway led the way to a memorable night...

I am so looking forward to hopping back over from NYC to Boston in a few weeks for the May 8th Hot Pink Party!
Details here: please come join us! http://www.bostonhotpinkparty.com/hotpinkboston/leaders.asp

I am so looking forward to hopping back over from NYC to Boston in a few weeks for the May 8th Hot Pink Party!
Details here: please come join us! http://www.bostonhotpinkparty.com/hotpinkboston/leaders.asp
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